Steps to help your not-for-profit excel in the digital market.
In April 2021 there are over 58,000 not-for-profit charities registered and operating within Australia.
This creates a high level of competition in the digital market amongst not-for-profits. The use of digital analytics for your organisation, is a great tool to help achieve goals and objectives. Digital Analytics is using tools and techniques to measure and analysis the effectiveness of your digital marketing and indicate how to improve your customer engagement, and inevitably your brand.
Here are some simple steps to understand digital analytics and to help your organisation stand out from the crowd!

Step 1: Current Position.
Digital analytics, plays an important role in understanding your organisations current position. By analysing and understanding the position of your organisation, you can identify the area/s that require improvement. A great way to get you started is to run a digital SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis.
Following this there are some great free programs that can help you with website analytics. These include, Google Analytics, Bitly and SimilarWeb.
Step 2: Set Goals.
As an organisation, you need to decide what is it you want to achieve. Use your analysis from step one to identify what achievable goals may be.
For example, is the main goal to receive more donations or perhaps raise awareness. A goal needs to be developed, to identify what process the organisation needs to take to move forward.
Step 3: Create a Plan.
Now that you understand your position, create a plan to achieve your goal.
Every organisation is different, and you need to set a plan that suits you. For example increasing the number of social posts that you publish, or ensuring there is a donation button on every page of your website.
Step 4: Analyse & Track.
This step brings you back full circle, it is time to analysis and track the changes that you have implemented through step 3. Have they helped you achieve your organisation’s goal? Is there still work required? From here, you can look to adjust the original goal if required or set a new goal so that your organisation can continue to grow and thrive.
We love to hear success stories, make sure to leave a comment below with your goal and what steps and programs helped you to achieve it!
10331666, #ECUindustryreadyproject, #ECUMKT5325 (Disclaimer: This content is for the sole purpose of teaching and learning at Edith Cowan University).