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Influencers and Not For Profit, the Perfect Partnership?


In the ever-changing world of digital consumerism, it is crucial to stay on top of marketing trends and the methods in which to best engage with your target audience. When users are more informed and sceptical than ever before, how do you promote yourself in a way that people will put their trust and faith into?


Larger Not For Profit (NFP) such as UNICEF do this with celebrity Goodwill Ambassadors David Beckham and Orlando Bloom, the Australian Red Cross with TV host Richard Wilkins.

Influencer marketing doesn’t stop with celebrities; it doesn’t have to be a costly exercise. This is where the macro influencer, micro influencer and brand advocates come into play. These are the bloggers, the everyday people who share with their social network; they may not have the largest network, but they have their trust.

This concept works exceptionally well for material goods, such as macro influencer Natalie Angel (an everyday, normal mum) with her letmetrybeforeyoubuy Instagram account; it helped the #MeToo Movement go global and it can work for NFP too.

A NFP needs to look at their existing interactions; which volunteers will post on their social media and share their experience? What campaign can you launch to get your audience engaged and sharing? Which hashtag can you incorporate?

UNICEF encourage their followers become a brand advocate with their #vacinated campaign, Foodbank does with their #megamealchallenge and Beyond Blue tells the story of their brand advocates.

Choose a way that will resonate with your target audience.

Using influencers to promote a NFP can validate your work in the eyes of the digital consumer; if this person is willing to put their name and face, their reputation to your NFP, to your brand, then it is likely worth their trust too.

Student: 10555383 K. Benson

[Disclaimer: This content is for the sole purpose of teaching and learning at Edith Cowan University]

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